Wednesday 30 March 2011

Grime Music

Looking at song lyrics..
Dizzie Rascal - When looking at his music, one song that stuck out for me was 'Sirens' he uses words such as 'Blud' and how people 'snitched' on him to the police, this is portrayed in the more contemporary films such as Kidulthood and Adulthood, relating with this contemporary music. This song immediately made me link it to the film 'Shank' that we watched as he speaks of 'looking for somethin' to eat and we see this constantly throughout the film Shank as their violence comes from looking for 'munchies'. Throughout the song he talks of attacking people and running from police, which is the main story throughout the contemporary films such as Kidulthood, Adulthood, Shank and One Day.

Giggs 'You Raised Me' - Talks about being cared for by his mum who didn't earn much money, and giving him the things he needed. He then done things like smoked weed and getting kicked out of his home which he shared with his mum. He ends with 'I could be good, but it aint me, I think the hood kinda' changed me' showing how his mum tried her best to raide him well, but he repays her by getting involved in the 'hood' which he blames for the weed and misbehaving.